In our expert opinion Uberlube is the best silicone lubricant on the market. Physician recommended by 3000 doctors in the US including Dr. Lauren Streicher, a leader in the field of obstetrics and gynecology, and frequent expert for Oprah, Dr. Oz and World News Tonight, Uberlube feels soft and silky while remaining perfectly lubricious during use, then quickly dissipates leaving skin smooth and moisture rich.
- Clean ingredients - just silicone and vitamin e
- Long lasting - never get's sticky
- No flavor, no scent
- Multi-use - massage, hair frizzes, sports/chafing, and more
Try the 55 or 112ML for your nightstand, or the Good To Go Traveler encased in a durable glass vial with a metered pump top, and now protected in an aluminum overshell for your pocket, purse, gym bag, you name it!
*Uberlube (like other Silicone lubes) is not compatible with Silicone toys